Revision as of 20:34, 20 February 2019 by Sw005320 (talk | contribs) (Officer and working group contacts)
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Main Page

From rosp

Welcome to the wiki of ISCA's Special Interest Group (SIG) on Robust Speech Processing. This wiki aims to be a repository of resources for researchers interested in Robust Speech Processing.


All the material is contributed by users. Please contribute and advertise your own resources! This will take you a few minutes only. To do so, just email Ramon F. Astudillo or Shinji Watanabe with your name, your affiliation, and your desired login name. Once we have created your account, click on one of the links below and follow the guidelines.

Join the SIG - Google/LinkedIn groups

You are encouraged to join the SIG to benefit from our announcements of recent research developments and other matters of interest in Robust Speech Processing. See the SIG constitution for more information. Membership is free of charge and ISCA membership is not required.

To join, just register to our Google group.

You are also welcome to join our LinkeIn group


This page provides a list of datasets, with corresponding software baselines and evaluation results.


This page provides a list of speech processing software and corresponding application recipes for different datasets.

Best practices

SIG events

HSCMA 2014
3rd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge
Interspeech 2016 Special Session on Realism in Robust Speech Processing
4th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge
4th International Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments
5th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge
5th International Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments

Other resources

RoSP SIG constitution

List of SIG members

Officer and working group contacts

Officers (2018-2020): Chairperson: Shinji Watanabe, Secretary: Marc Delcroix

Past officers (2016-2018): Chairperson: Emmanuel Vincent, Secretary: Ramon F. Astudillo
Past officers (2014-2016): Chairperson: Emmanuel Vincent, Secretary: Ramon F. Astudillo, Honorary Chair: John L. Hansen
Past officers (2012-2014): Emmanuel Vincent and Ramon F. Astudillo