Publications : Différence entre versions

Ligne 18 : Ligne 18 :
# F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, “Stochastic Bounds and Histograms for Network Performance Analysis”, ''EPEW 2013, 10th European Workshop on performance engineering'', Venice, Italy, September 2013 (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
# F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, “Stochastic Bounds and Histograms for Network Performance Analysis”, ''EPEW 2013, 10th European Workshop on performance engineering'', Venice, Italy, September 2013 (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
# F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau, et N. Pekergin, “A bounding histogram approach for network performance analysis”, ''IEEE HPCC 2013'', China, '''best paper award''' (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
# F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, “A bounding histogram approach for network performance analysis”, ''IEEE HPCC 2013'', China, '''best paper award''' (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
# F. Aït-Salaht, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin: “Computing Bounds of the MTTF for a Set of Markov Chains”. ''ISCIS 2013'': pp 67-76, Springer (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP4).
# F. Aït-Salaht, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin: “Computing Bounds of the MTTF for a Set of Markov Chains”. ''ISCIS 2013'': pp 67-76, Springer (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP4).
# F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, “Modeling networks and active queues management with stochastic bounds and histograms”, ''Vecos 2013, 7th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems Florence'', Italy, November 21-22, 2013 (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
# F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, “Modeling networks and active queues management with stochastic bounds and histograms”, ''Vecos 2013, 7th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems Florence'', Italy, November 21-22, 2013 (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
Ligne 35 : Ligne 35 :
===Publications in National Conferences===
===Publications in National Conferences===
# F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau and N Pekergin, « Une approche combinant bornes stochastiques, traces et histogrammes pour l'analyse de performance des réseaux », MSR 2013, INRIA Rennes, France, 13-15 novembre 2013. Article publié dans JESA (voir infra) (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
# F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau and N. Pekergin, « Une approche combinant bornes stochastiques, traces et histogrammes pour l'analyse de performance des réseaux », MSR 2013, INRIA Rennes, France, 13-15 novembre 2013. Article publié dans JESA (voir infra) (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
# J.M. Fourneau, F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, N. Pekergin, « Bornes sur les histogrammes et équation de Loynes pour l'analyse rapide d'une file FIFO », ROADEF 2014, 26-28 février 2014, Bordeaux (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP4).
# J.M. Fourneau, F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, N. Pekergin, « Bornes sur les histogrammes et équation de Loynes pour l'analyse rapide d'une file FIFO », ROADEF 2014, 26-28 février 2014, Bordeaux (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP4).

Version du 12 novembre 2014 à 18:05

Publications of the MARMOTE project

Publications in journals

  1. A. Bouillard, A. Bušić, C. Rovetta. Perfect sampling for closed queueing networks. Performance Evaluation. Volume 79, September 2014, pp 146-159. Special Issue: Performance 2014 (Dyogene, WP1).
  2. A. Bušić, S. Durand, B. Gaujal, and F. Perronnin, “Perfect Sampling of Jackson Queuing Networks”. Submitted to Queuing Systems: Theory and Applications. In revision. (Mescal+Dyogene, WP1).
  3. A. Bušić, J.-M. Fourneau, M. Ben Mamoun, “Stochastic bounds with a low rank decomposition”, Stochastic Models. 2014, Vol 30, Numero 4, pp 494-520, (DYOGENE+PRiSM, WP4).

Publications in international conferences

  1. F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, “Stochastic Bounds and Histograms for Network Performance Analysis”, EPEW 2013, 10th European Workshop on performance engineering, Venice, Italy, September 2013 (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
  2. F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, “A bounding histogram approach for network performance analysis”, IEEE HPCC 2013, China, best paper award (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
  3. F. Aït-Salaht, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin: “Computing Bounds of the MTTF for a Set of Markov Chains”. ISCIS 2013: pp 67-76, Springer (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP4).
  4. F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, “Modeling networks and active queues management with stochastic bounds and histograms”, Vecos 2013, 7th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems Florence, Italy, November 21-22, 2013 (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
  5. P. Amar, M. Baillieul, D. Barth, B. Le Cun, F. Quessette and Sandrine Vial, “Parallel biological in silico simulation”, ISCIS 2014, pp. 387-394, Springer, Cracovie (PRiSM, WP5.2).
  6. D. Auger, P. Coucheney, and Y. Strozecki, “Finding Optimal Strategies of Almost Acyclic Simple Stochastic Games”, TAMC 2014, 11th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, pp 67—85, 2014, Springer (PRiSM, WP5.5).
  7. A. Bouillard, A. Bušić, C. Rovetta. "Clones: CLOsed queueing Networks Exact Sampling". Valuetools 2014, 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, December 9–11, 2014 Bratislava, Slovakia (DYOGENE, WP1).
  8. A. Bouillard, A. Bušić, C. Rovetta. “Perfect sampling for closed queueing networks”. Performance’2014: 32nd International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation 2014, with proceedings in Performance Evaluation (DYOGENE, WP1).
  9. A. Bušić, J.-M. Fourneau, M. Ben Mamoun, “Stochastic bounds with a low rank decomposition”, 8th International Conference on Matrix Analytic Method, 2014, India (DYOGENE+PRiSM, WP4).
  10. P. Coucheney, S. Durand, B. Gaujal and C. Touati, “General Revision Protocols in Best Response Algorithms for Potential Games“, NETGCOOP 2014, International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization, Trento, Italy, 2014 (Mescal+PRiSM, WP 5.4).
  11. T.H. Dao Thi, J.-M. Fourneau and M.-A. Tran. “Network of Queues with Inert Customers and Signals”, VALUETOOLS 2013 (PRiSM et LACL, WP4).
  12. T.H. Dao Thi, J.M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin, F. Quessette, “Time Parallel Simulation for Dynamic Fault Trees”, ISICS 2014, pp. 337-344, Springer, Cracovie (PRiSM+LACL, WP2).
  13. T.H. Dao-Thi, J.-M. Fourneau, F. Quessette: “Time-Parallel Simulation for Stochastic Automata Networks and Stochastic Process Algebra”. ASMTA 2014: 140-15 (PRiSM, WP2).
  14. S. Durand, B. Gaujal, F. Perronnin and J.-M. Vincent, “A perfect sampling algorithm of random walks with forbidden arcs”. QEST 2014, 11th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, Florence, Italy (Mescal, WP1).
  15. S. Meyn, P. Barooah, A. Bušić, and J. Ehren. “Ancillary service to the grid from deferrable loads: the case for intelligent pool pumps in Florida”. 52st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013, Invited) (DYOGENE, WP4).

Publications in National Conferences

  1. F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, J.-M. Fourneau and N. Pekergin, « Une approche combinant bornes stochastiques, traces et histogrammes pour l'analyse de performance des réseaux », MSR 2013, INRIA Rennes, France, 13-15 novembre 2013. Article publié dans JESA (voir infra) (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP5.1).
  2. J.M. Fourneau, F. Aït-Salaht, H. Castel-Taleb, N. Pekergin, « Bornes sur les histogrammes et équation de Loynes pour l'analyse rapide d'une file FIFO », ROADEF 2014, 26-28 février 2014, Bordeaux (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP4).

Communications in Workshops

  1. F. Aït-Salaht, J.M. Fourneau, H. Castel-Taleb, N. Pekergin, « Approche par bornes stochastiques et histogrammes pour l'analyse de performance des réseaux », 10ème Atelier en Évaluation de Performances, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, 11-13 juin 2014 (SAMOVAR+PRiSM+LACL, WP4).
  2. A. Bouillard, A. Bušić, C. Rovetta, « Simulation parfaite dans un réseau fermé de files d’attente , 10ème Atelier en Évaluation de Performances, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, 11-13 juin 2014 (DYOGENE, WP1).
  3. M. Dalle, J.-M. Vincent, F. Perronnin, « Catch me if you can », 10ème Atelier en Évaluation de Performances, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, 11-13 juin 2014 (Mescal, WP2).
  4. S. Durand, « A perfect sampling algorithm of random walks with forbidden arcs », 10ème Atelier en Évaluation de Performances, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, 11-13 juin 2014 (Mescal, WP1).

Publications around MARMOTE

These publications have been realized outside the MARMOTE project per se, but their theme corresponds to one of its workpackages.

  1. I. Adan, M. Boon, A. Bušić, J. Mairesse, and G. Weiss, « Queues with Skill Based Parallel Servers and a FCFS Infinite Matching Model », Workshop on MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA). June 2013. Linked with WP4 (analysis and numerical simulation).
  2. P. Barooah, A. Bušić, S. Meyn. Spectral Decomposition of Demand-Side Flexibility for Reliable Ancillary Services in a Smart Grid. To appear at 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). 2015. Linked with WP4 (Stochastic Control).
  3. A. Bušić, J. Mairesse, and I. Marcovici, « Probabilistic cellular automata, invariant measures, and perfect sampling », Advances in Applied Probability, 45(4) (Dec. 2013). Preprint arXiv:1010.3133. Linked to WP1 (Perfect Simulation).
  4. A. Bušić, S. Meyn. Passive Dynamics in Mean Field Control. To appear at 53st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Invited). 2014. ArXiv e-prints: arXiv:1402.4618. Linked with WP4 (Stochastic Control).
  5. Y. Chen, A. Bušić, S. Meyn. Individual risk in mean-field control models for decentralized control, with application to automated demand response. To appear at 53st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Invited). 2014. Linked with WP4 (Stochastic Control).
  6. L. Chusseau, F. Philippe, P. Viktorovitch, et X. Letartre, « Mode competition in dual-mode quantum dots semiconductor microlaser », Phys. Rev. A, 88(015803):015803, 7 2013. Linked with task WP5.4 (Statistical Physics).
  7. L. Chusseau, F. Philippe and A. Jean-Marie, « Monte Carlo markovian modeling of modal competition in dual-wavelength semiconductor lasers», SPIE Photonics West – OPTO :Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXII, pages 8980-55, San Francisco, février 2014. Linked with task WP5.4 (Statistical Physics).
  8. P. Coucheney, E. Hyon, and J.M. Kelif, « Mobile Association Problem in Heterogenous Wireless Networks with mobility », PIMRC 2013. Linked with WP4 (Stochastic Control).
  9. O. Morad and A. Jean-Marie, « On-Demand Prefetching Heuristic Policies: A Performance Evaluation », ISCIS 2014, 29th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2014), pp. 317-323, Cracovie, Pologne, 2014. Linked with WP4 (Stochastic Control).
  10. O. Morad and A. Jean-Marie, « Prefetching Control for On-Demand Contents Distribution: A Markov Decision Process Model», MASCOTS 2014, IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, september 2014. Linked with WP4 (Stochastic Control).